2016 Election Promises

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I have put together this chart to show what a vote for Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, or Gary Johnson actually means.  This is what is at stake during this election. Click on the issue itself to be redirected to the post that initially covered it. This chart moves past the narrative and focuses on the facts based on what the candidates themselves have said or, in few cases, third party analysis.

Post-election, this now serves as an accountability checklist.

A vote for Hillary Clinton is a vote for
A vote for Donald Trump is a vote for
A vote for Gary Johnson is a vote for
$2 billion dollars per year in Alzheimer’s research (the amount researchers have deemed necessary to make a cure possible by 2025) and the re-authorization of the Missing Alzheimer’s Disease Patient Alert Program (a program that has a 98% success rate)
a total top priority” with no official plan.
no mention of Alzheimer’s disease in his platform.
expanded coverage for Autism services, nationwide early screening, increased funding for Autism-related research, and and Autism Works Initiative to increase employment opportunities.
the belief that vaccines cause Autism.
no mention of Autism in his platform.
Supreme Court justices that will overturn the Citizens United decision.
a belief that Super PAC’s are “horrible” but no official plan.
increased prevention efforts, counseling and health care support for survivors, and insurance that complaints filed are taken seriously.
a belief that sexual assault is inevitable when men and women are together in the military and a man that has been accused of rape at least three times.
no mention of campus sexual assault in his platform.
500 million solar panels, enough renewable energy to power every home in America, reduction in oil consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.
protecting National Parks, but not a very strong stance on climate change.
the New College Compact which ensures that no student has to borrow for tuition, fees, or books, and that Americans with debt can refinance at current rates
the belief that it’s terrible that the government is profiting off of student loans, but no official plan to change it.
no plans for college affordability and opposition to federal student loans.
medical marijuana, reduction in penalty for possessing marijuana, halving mandatory minimum drug sentencing, the end of private prisons, strengthening trust between police & communities, ending racial profiling,  state-of-the-art law enforcement training programs on implicit bias, use of force, & de-escalation.
the death penalty, mass incarceration of undocumented immigrants, and “giving power back to the police”, but has no official plan for this.
an end to the drug war by treating drug abuse as a disease, not a crime.
the Americans with Disabilities Act, tax relief for families caring for aging relatives and those with chronic illness or disabilities.
a man who has been sued multiple times for inaccessible properties, a man who mocked a reporter with disabilities, but claims to have proudly given tens of millions of dollars to the ADA
no mention of disability rights in his platform.
doubling investment in Early Head Start programs, and access to high quality preschool for every 4 year old in America.
absolutely nothing for early childhood education.
no mention of early childhood education in his platform.
the most fiscally conservative candidate with a net impact of close to zero for all her proposals. Furthermore, it’s a vote for raised minimum wage, support of Obama’s overtime rules, equal pay, paid leave, affordable childcare, tax cuts for profit-sharing businesses, closing corporate tax loopholes, and investment in infrastructure, clean energy, and scientific/medical research.
the elimination of the federal debt with no official plan of how.  In reality, it has been projected that his massive tax cuts and proposals that he also doesn’t explain how to fund will result in an addition of 12.1 trillion dollars by 2026 which is 129% of the GDP.
cuts to every line in the budget including military spending and Social Security/Medicare to create a balanced budget and an automatic veto to any legislation that results in deficit spending.
stronger background checks, holding irresponsible dealers and manufacturers accountable, and keeping guns out of the hands of terrorists, domestic abusers, violent criminals, and the mentally ill, and reinstating the assault weapons ban.
keeping the background check system the way it is, keeping the assault weapons ban from being reinstated, and keeping any gun control legislation from being passed.
opposition to most gun control measures, and in favor of more guns readily available.
building on the Affordable Care Act, making premiums more affordable, lessening out of pocket healthcare expenses, slowing the growth of prescription drug costs, and expanding Medicaid.
repealing the Affordable Care Act and replacing it with free-market healthcare free of government regulation allowing companies to deny due to pre-existing conditions, impose lifetime limits, and drop people when they are sick along with everything else the ACA has instated to keep costs attainable.
opposition to government health insurance requirements and the Affordable Care Act.
an AIDS-free generation with investment in research, affordable treatment, and reforming discriminatory laws.
absolutely nothing for HIV/AIDS.
no mention of HIV/AIDS in his platform.
DACA & DAPA, paths to citizenship, treating all with dignity, protecting borders, ending the 3-10 year bans for re-entry, creating a National Office of Immigrant Affairs, detaining and deporting those who pose a violent threat, ending family detention and private immigration centers.
building a wall along the Mexican border, tripling the number of immigration and customs officers, and deporting and keeping out immigrants.
a $275 billion dollar, 5 year plan to rebuild America’s infrastructure including repairing and expanding roads & bridges, expanding public transit, connecting all families to the internet by 2020, bringing free WiFi to public buildings and transportation, modernizing air travel, levees, dams, and wastewater systems.
no official plan other than a potentially trillion dollar plan creating 13 million jobs which he likens to FDR’s New Deal.
opposition to funding of mass transit.
10.4 million new jobs (3.2 million more than expected under current law) and GDP growth of 2.7% (up from 2.3% that is currently forecasted).
the loss of 3.5 million jobs, dropping home prices, a rise in unemployment to 7%, at least 10 trillion added to the national debt over the next decade, and a recession lasting longer than The Great Recession.
for “getting rid of laws and taxes that syphon the resources businesses use.”  I could not find any independent analysis of his jobs plan.
preparing, supporting, and paying every teacher like the future is in their hands, funding for computer science instruction, rebuilding crumbling schools, and dismantling the school to prison pipeline.
school choice, and an elimination of the Department of Education and Common Core.
restoring collective bargaining rights, and raising the federal minimum wage to $12.
equality, protection from discrimination in the workplace, an end to conversion therapy, and safe shelter for homeless youth.
opposition to marriage equality and support of the North Carolina’s discriminatory transgender bathroom bill.
a $10 billion dollar investment in manufacturing, “Make It in America” partnerships, tax incentives to encourage investment in communities hit hard by manufacturing job losses, incentives to bring jobs back to the U.S., and increased apprenticeships and training programs to fill the skill gap.
a man notorious for manufacturing abroad, but threatens to impose tariffs and taxes on companies that do the same.
no mention of manufacturing in his platform.
the most comprehensive mental health plan presented by any candidate to date including funding for early diagnosis & intervention, suicide prevention, investment in brain research, an increase in mental health care services, a focus on treatment over incarceration for nonviolent offenders, and housing and employment initiatives.
a top priority” with no official plan other than an acknowledgment that reform is needed.
no mention of mental health  in his platform.
the many policy proposals seen here, a proven track record in strengthening relationships with our allies, support for NATO, positive global approval ratings, and extensive experience in foreign policy.
the many policy proposals seen here,  a questioning of NATO, an isolationist, overwhelming negative global attitudes, and a preference for authoritarian and totalitarian rule.
repairing relationships with our allies with no clear plan on how.
intensifying airstrikes, support for Arab & Kurdish forces, a diplomatic strategy for resolving the Syrian Civil War and the Shia/Sunni conflict in Iraq, working with European intelligence, and working with tech companies to intercept communications.

At home, it’s a vote for supporting law enforcement and first responders, and stopping gun sales to terror suspects, expanding background checks, and keeping military-style assault weapons off the streets.
joint and coalition military operations to crush and destroy ISIS, international cooperation to cut off their funding, expanded intelligence-sharing, and cyber-warfare to disrupt and disable a their propaganda and recruiting, plus extreme vetting of immigrants.
cutting off funding on which violent extremist armies depend.
ending the sequester for defense & non-defense spending, investment in innovation for 21st century threats, and defense budget that provides fiscal stability.
a military so big, so powerful, and so strong, that nobody, absolutely nobody, is going to mess with us.  
cuts to the military budget in order to balance the budget.
up to 12 weeks of paid family leave to care for a new child or aging parent, up to 12 weeks of paid medical leave to recover from illness or injury with employees earning at least two-thirds of their wages.
no paid family or medical leave.
for legislation that would put an end to racial profiling, national guidelines on the use of force by police officers with an emphasis on de-escalation, cracking down on illegal gun sales that contribute to black on black crime, and investments that will address the achievement gap.
support of the Black Lives Matter movement.
policies that ultimately lead to less abortions.
anti-abortion laws that don’t reduce abortions.
an extensive and detailed plan aimed at making it easier to start a business, make a profit, get financing, find investors, offer health care and benefits, work with the federal government, and fight back when you’re getting taken advantage of, in addition to tax relief.
a 15% tax rate (which is debatable) that would wreak havoc on the economy, ultimately hurting small businesses and a guy with a record for not paying small business owners.
implementing a regulatory and tax environment that makes it fair and easy to start businesses and create job
leaving social security and medicare as is.
abolishing social security and medicare.
protection for those making less than $250,000/yr + a rise in revenue for investment in infrastructure, etc.
an explosion of the national debt + protections and reduction for millionaires.
an extensive plan that reforms veterans’ health care including mental health, a new Department of Veterans’ Affairs, and jobs for veterans.
punishment for the VA and mental health care professionals.
automatic voter registration, restoration of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, opposition to voter restrictions, and a national standard of early voting.
discriminatory voter ID laws.
opposition to voter id laws.

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