Originally posted to Facebook on Tuesday, June 21, 2016.
So, my posts are alphabetical, hence the “Issues A to Z” titling. I have all the issues I plan to address mapped out. Who would have thought this issue would have landed at such a time as this? This week I am attempting to tackle gun violence prevention and second amendment rights with the overarching question of can we have both?
On June 2nd, I saved this video in preparation for this post. If you think the Obama, Clinton, and Democrats want to control, restrict, and limit the rights of gun manufacturers, gun owners, and responsible use of guns and ammunition by “good guys” this is a must watch. If you don’t feel like watching it, here is the bottom line. That notion is a complete falsehood perpetuated by the NRA. This has never been proposed by Obama or Clinton.
Here are some facts. There have been more guns sold during Obama’s presidency than nearly any other administration. There are enough guns for every man, woman, and child in the United States. Obama has NEVER proposed confiscating guns from responsible gun owners. You have a right to own a gun as outlined by the second amendment of the United States constitution ("A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.")
Let’s talk about the second amendment for a moment. The second amendment protects the right of individuals to keep and bear arms. Yes. It’s probably one of the only amendments the majority of Americans can recite, unfortunately. That doesn’t mean that the government can’t regulate or place some limits on the manufacture, ownership, and sale of firearms for the safety of its people. The Supreme Court has ruled as such. Because, here’s the thing. The British tried to confiscate the colonists’ firearms at the outbreak of the Revolutionary War. And, no one wants to be unarmed when their government goes to war with them. But, our government is not going to war with us! And, they aren’t trying to confiscate our weapons. That would never be allowed to happen. And, if you believe this to be true, that’s paranoia. That’s mental illness.
But, let’s say the government did wage war on us. At this point, don’t you think they’d use something like a biological weapon or even a nuclear weapon? Even if you could get your hands on a fully automatic weapon, it’s not going to make any difference. It’s not going to be the Revolutionary War all over again, it would be something significantly worse. Your arms wouldn’t amount to much by way of defense.
And, that’s where I was going to leave it. But, I can’t. Because yesterday, the Senate couldn’t agree on two proposals. One, instating a universal background check system that applied to gun shows and on-line sales, and two, barring people suspected of terrorism from buying guns.
Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn, R-Tex, was quoted as saying, “I think that’s kind of a fundamental line for a lot of Republicans, and I would hope for a lot of Americans. Any time you’re denying an American citizen their constitutional rights, it ought to be with evidence, the burden ought to be on the government, and it ought to come from a court.”
So, that’s what it always comes back to. The right to bear arms is a constitutional right, and how dare we infringe on any citizen's constitutional right?
But, here is why that is absolute rubbish. Because it is coming from the same party whose presumptive nominee is calling for a ban of all Muslims. It is coming from a party who fails to see how that infringes on freedom of religion (the first amendment) and then hides behind their own freedom of religion bills so that they can decide who can and cannot sit at their lunch counters. It is coming from the same party who is calling for a ban on people using the bathrooms that matches their gender identity.
And, I’m no longer surprised. Of course, there was no change yesterday in gun regulations. Because 3 ½ years ago, twenty 6 and 7 year olds were shot at their school. Twenty, mostly white, suburban six and seven year olds were violently murdered at their public elementary school. And, nothing changed. If that didn’t change anyone’s mind, why on earth would the mass murder of 49 members and allies of the GLBT community change anyone’s minds? I mean, come on. Again, we’re talking about the party that thinks transgender people peeing in the bathroom that matches their gender identity are dangerous, but a semi-automatic rifle that can fire 30 rounds in the hands of a terrorist, isn’t. We’re talking about the party that thinks that marriage between two people of the same gender is a threat to the American family, but the ability of an abusive husband and father to get a gun, isn’t. We’re talking about a party that swears by the sanctity of life and also pledges unyielding fidelity to an instrument specifically designed to kill. We’re talking about the party that thinks the a Muslim ban does not infringe on freedom of religion, but 2 men wanting to buy a wedding cake from a Christian baker does. We’re talking about a party so focused on “Radical Islam” that they can’t see how their own “Radical Christianity” is killing people. In the name of Jesus. Prince of Peace.
Whether it be gun violence, or hate crimes, or GLBT suicide rates, the rhetoric of the Religious Right and GOP is killing people. So, of course, they're not going to take action when 49 members and allies of the GLBT community are murdered.
I’ve tried to understand it. I’ve tried to engage in cordial discourse with my Repulican and Evangelical friends. I’ve tried to remain respectful. I’ve tried to agree to disagree. Because I love you. I really do. I want us to get along. But, I also love the people you are hurting. And, I can no longer condone this hurtful, destructive belief system.
I believe in unity. I believe in respect. I’m a child of the church, raised in the church, a scholar of its teachings, and married to a minister. I believe that we are one in the body of Christ.
But, how much can a person take? How long can a smile and nod while you support a party that is no longer the party of Abraham Lincoln and Ronald Reagan, but the party of Sarah Palin and Donald Trump? How can I continue to respect your beliefs while you vote for people who support gun rights at all costs, but if they had it their way, would add a constitutional amendment that disbands my family? How can you look in the mirror and tell yourself, it’s just about being pro-life? Your party is not just the pro-life party. It is the party of the NRA, the fossil fuel industry, and the party whose rhetoric contributes to a culture where I live in fear for my life because I am married to Lauren.
I am going to say that one more time because sometimes I think you might think we’re all good because I have happy facebook posts. I live in fear of my life because I am married to Lauren.
A few days ago two women holding hands were spit on entering a Minneapolis Target. A few days ago, 2 men were asked to leave a restaurant by the management because they were “c@cks%ckers.” Yesterday, one of my cousins said, “Happy Father's Day, Fagboy” to his brother on facebook. These aren’t stories I read in the paper. These are people I know. This is all happening in my circle, in my family. In the last few days!
I am not safe. Orlando didn’t surprise me. I feel secure enough to say that it didn’t surprise a single member of the GLBT community. Because, this is what you have done to us. You have villainized us, dehumanized us, and demonized us. We are sinners. We are predators. We need to repent. We are sick. You use us as punchlines and names to call others. You have questioned my worth and my lifestyle (which is exactly the same as yours). You have grappled with the decision of whether or not to be friends with me or trust me or accept me. You have judged me. You have deemed me less holy, less righteous, and less complete than you. Or you didn’t speak up when someone else did. Be it your pastor, your parent, or your partner. Because, you’re keeping the peace, right?
And, I let you. And, I let myself believe all of those things at one point or another. I have hid myself for your sake. I have dropped Lauren’s hand in public. I’ve asked her not to call me “babe” in public. I haven’t corrected people in casual conversation when they ask about my husband or Luke’s father. I have spent 6 years married to an absolutely incredible woman and never once spoken about my wife in front of my students with whom I share daily stories about my son. She has trained herself to drop two paces behind me when we hear “Ms. Morse” in public. Because that would be wrong, right? It would be wrong for them to find out about her. It’s okay if you want to marry a woman, but don’t expose my child to that sort of thing.
I could be spit on. I could be asked to leave. I could be attacked. I could be killed. I am not paranoid. This is my reality. I am not safe.
How are you contributing to that reality?
So, don’t tell me this gun vote is about constitutional rights. This is about money. This is about power. This is about fear of the other and fear of an imagined tyranny. I am about peace. I will love you if you disagree with me. But, I will not apologize for taking a stand for peace.
So, I still believe in unity. I still want to be in true relationship with those of you who vote Republican and support Donald Trump. I do. I really do. But, I have to stand up for myself. I have to stand up for peace. I have to stand up for love, and kindness, and acceptance, and understanding. I have to stand up for the teachings of Jesus that I so firmly believe in.
You may call me names, you may accuse me of having an agenda, or refusing to see the other side of the issue. But, in love, there is only one side. In peace, there is only one side. I hope at least one of you takes a good look at what you stand for.
You may call me names, you may accuse me of having an agenda, or refusing to see the other side of the issue. But, in love, there is only one side. In peace, there is only one side. I hope at least one of you takes a good look at what you stand for.
If you are a “good guy” with a gun. Show me. Be a “good guy.” Help us keep guns out of the hands of “bad guys.” If you are pro-life. Show me. Be pro all life. If you are a follower of Christ. Show me. What would Jesus do? If you are a defender of the constitution. Show me. Show me how you stand for freedom of religion, freedom of assembly, freedom of the press, freedom of speech. Freedom. Show me how you establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, AND secure the blessings of liberty. Because if you’re just focused on the defense piece or the right to bear arms piece, you are not a defender of our constitution and you can no longer hide behind the second amendment.
Here is where our presidential candidates stand for.
Clinton: Clinton wants to strengthen background checks and close dangerous loopholes in the current system, hold irresponsible dealers and manufacturers responsible, and keep guns out of the hands of terrorists, domestic abusers, other violent criminals, and the severely mentally ill. She also supports reinstating the assault weapons ban. Notice that at no point in her platform does she propose confiscating all guns. All of her policies revolve around keeping guns out of the hands of those who shouldn’t have them.
Trump: Trump thinks the mental health system is to blame for mass murders. He believes in expanding treatment programs. He is opposed to assault weapons bans and believes the background check system is sufficient the way it is. He sees gun control as an infringement on the rights guaranteed to citizens by the second amendment.
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