Issue | A vote for Joe Biden is a vote for | A vote for Donald Trump is a vote for |
Asian American and Pacific Islander Community | elevating AAPI voices and increasing AAPI representation in government. | the establishment of the President’s Advisory Commission on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. |
ending redlining, fully funding federal rental assistance, investing in affordable housing, and pursuing a comprehensive plan to end homelessness. | cutting affordable housing programs by 18%, eliminating the National Affordable Housing Trust Fund, and an end to low income housing “invading” the neighborhoods of the “suburban housewife.” | |
expansion of the microloan program for new and beginning farmers, doubling the maximum loan amount to $100,000, increased funding of USDA’s farm ownership and operating loans, and partnership with farmers to move toward net-zero emissions. | ||
Catholic Community | a practicing Catholic as president. | a president who identifies himself as the “best [president] in the history of the Catholic church.” |
Central America | developing a $4 billion regional strategy to address factors driving migration linked to reducing violence, improving legal and education systems, and implementing anti-corruption measures; mobilizing private investment in the region, improving security and rule of law, addressing endemic corruption, and prioritizing poverty reduction and economic development. | aid to Central American countries who reduce migration from Central America regardless of ability to demonstrate good governance or progress on human rights. |
support of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. | cuts to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and restriction of its powers. | |
a public financing system for federal campaigns and a constitutional amendment overturning Citizens United. | supporting the idea that corporations are “persons.” | |
Criminal Justice Reform | reducing the number of people incarcerated, reducing crime, rooting out racial, gender, and income-based disparities in the system, a focus on redemption and rehabilitation, and an end to private for-profit prisons. | clemency for well-connected individuals, underfunding the FIRST STEP Act, support for private prisons, a disbanding of a program to create federal prison educations systems, and closing of halfway houses. |
fully funding IDEA within 10 years, pairing disability advocates with police departments to better train police to de-escalate interaction with people with disabilities. | rescinding 72 guiding documents that detail the rights of special education students, funding cuts to programs that support people with disabilities including Medicaid. | |
stronger labor laws and a tax code that rewards the middle class, a reverse to Trump’s tax cuts for the super wealthy and corporations, eliminating tax breaks that reward special interest, and getting rid of the capital gains loophole for multi-millionaires. | support of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, GDP growth, job creation, and low unemployment pre-pandemic. A reversal of these accomplishments in a crisis such as a pandemic. | |
investment to eliminate the funding gap, help for teachers to pay off their student loans, unprecedented investment in school mental health professionals, infrastructure legislation to improve school buildings, universal pre-k for all three and four year olds, and improving teacher diversity. | support for school choice, recalling the Education Department’s order that allow “gender confused males access to girls’ restrooms and lockers”, rolling back guidelines on affirmative action, and restoring flexibility to schools with respect to cafeteria menus. | |
ensuring the U.S. achieves a 100% clean energy economy and reaches net-zero emissions by 2050, methane pollution limits for new and existing oil and gas operations, 100% clean energy and zero emissions vehicles, reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from transportation, conservation of 30% of America’s lands and waters by 2030, protecting the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. | expansion of offshore oil and gas drilling, approval of the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines, new leases for oil and gas development on federal lands, a repeal of the Clean Power Plan, withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement, and opening the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to domestic energy production. | |
universal background check legislation, prohibiting individuals convicted of hate crimes from possessing firearms, incentivising red flag laws and giving states funding to implement them, incentivising gun licensing programs, holding adults accountable for giving minors access to firearms, and accelerating research into reducing gun violence. | continuous flip-flopping on universal background checks and red flag laws; a ban on bump-stocks. | |
a public option like Medicare for those who are unsatisfied with their current insurance, barring health care providers from charging patients with surprise bills, a tax penalty for drug manufacturers that increase costs over the general inflation rate, allowing consumers to buy prescription drugs from other countries that U.S. has certified as safe, terminating pharmaceutical tax breaks for ad spending, doubling investment in community health centers, expanding access to mental health care, and reinstating the policy rolled back by Trump that protected LGBTQ patients from discrimination in health care. | expanding access to AHPs, repealing the individual mandate in the ACA, an extension to CHIP, lowering of drug prices, passing Right-to-Try, an initiative to end HIV/AIDS by 2030, an end to surprise medical billing, raising the age to purchase tobacco from 18 to 21, and rolling back protections for LGBTQ people. | |
reversing policies that separate children from their parents at our border and the reunification of families still separated, restoration of the U.S. asylum policies, an end to the National Emergency redirecting funds from the DOD to the border wall, and rescinding of the refugee bans and travel bans. | an end to DACA, an end to DAPA, merit-based immigration, the lowest number of refugees admitted in history, a change to asylum law in the U.S., and travel bans from Muslim-majority countiress | |
Infrastructure | transforming transportation infrastructure, a railroad revolution, revolutionizing municipal transit networks, ensuring clean, safe drinking water, and expanding broadband to every American. | $50 billion to to empower rural America to address infrastructure needs including transportation projects, broadband projects, water and waste projects, and power and electric projects. |
Jewish Community | battling anti-Semitism and restoring funding to address domestic terrorism. | an executive order to battle anti-Semitism on college campuses and a pro-Israel candidate. |
protections for federal workers around collective bargaining and union representations, a federal guarantee that public sector workers can collectively bargain, a right to strike without fear of reprisal, a federal minimum wage of $15/hr, and an end to mandatory arbitration clauses. | half a million new jobs for the manufacturing industry, 625,000 new construction jobs, a loss of overtime pay to 8 million workers, relaxed requirements for employers to report workplace injuries, and allowing employers to legally fire employees for being gay. | |
reducing the number of people incarcerated while also reducing crime, rooting out the racial, gender, and income-based disparities in the system, focusing on redemption and rehabilitation, and ending for-profit prisons. | funding for additional law enforcement officers, law enforcement access to Department of Defense equipment such as armored vehicles, taking illegal guns off the streets, cracking down on international criminal organizations, and the appointing of conservative judges throughout the judicial system. | |
enacting the Equality Act, federal resources to prevent violence against transgender women, reversal of the transgender military ban, investment in programs to prevent and reduce LGBTQ+ youth homelessness, nondiscrimination protections for the LGBTQ+ community, a ban to conversion therapy, and expanded mental health and suicide prevention services for LGBTQ+ individuals. | blocking transgender service members from serving openly, lack of discrimination protections in healthcare for transgender people, allowing homeless shelters to turn away transgender people, allowing adoption agencies to reject same-sex couples, people being able to be fired for being LGBTQ+, and a recall to the Department of Education’s order that public schools allow “gender confused males access to girls’ restrooms and lockers.” | |
Muslim-Americans | rescinding the Muslim travel ban, restoring the White House Eid celebration and the government’s Muslim-American Liason. | a travel ban from Muslim-majority countries, eliminating the White House Eid celebration and the government’s Muslim-American Liason. |
Older Americans & Retirement | lower prescription drug prices, protecting and strengthening Medicare, preserving and strengthening Social Security. | reforms to Medicare to promote choice, competition, and the role of the market in healthcare, potentially ending or terminating the payroll tax that funds social security. |
Opioids | holding pharmaceutical companies responsible for their role, making prevention, treatment, and recovery services available, stopping overprescribing. | funding to combat the opioid crisis. |
scientists and public health officials front and center in communication and decision making, restoring the government pandemic response unit, widely available and free coronavirus testing, guaranteed emergency paid sick leave and care-giving leave, mortgage and rental relief, and interest free small business loans. | the disbanding of the unit responsible for pandemic response and 21% of the global death toll despite only 4% of the global population. | |
Reproductive Rights | for expanded access to contraception and protection of the constitutional right to an abortion. | an end to taxpayer dollars supporting abortion providers. |
Rural America | strengthening the agriculture sector and expanding broadband. | relief for farmers hit by delayed planting season due to natural disasters and legalized production of industrial hemp. |
Veterans | restoring the VA and ensuring veterans’ overall well-being. | a president with a long history of disparaging military service. |
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